Our Ministries

We Invite You To Get Involved Today In One of Our Ministries.

Ministers’ Ministry

 Assist the Pastor and congregation in service; visit the sick

 Deacons’ Ministry

Maintain day to day operation of ministry

 Staff Ministry

 Assist the Pastor and congregation in service; visit the sick

 Mothers’ Ministry


 Young Adult Ministry

Fellowshipping & Keeping God First

Women & Teens Ministry

 Gathering of sisters to interact, empower and connect

 Men’s Ministry

An enriched fellowship for adult and teen men; abide by Godly principles

 Armor Bearers’ Ministry

 Assist the Pastor and carry out assigned duties

Praise & Worship Team, Choir and Musicians Ministry

Create an atmosphere of worship; prepare the body of Christ for the word of God

 Children’s Choir Ministry

Choir for children ages 3-11

 Audio/Visual Ministry

 Set up equipment and record the services

 Children’s Closet Ministry

 Children’s Church for ages 3-11


Culinary; Serving as unto God.

Greeters Ministry

 Greet, seating and assist during church service

 Theatrical Ministry

 Present a message and spread the gospel through acting